Mr. Big

IDENTITY. Logo Design. EXPRESSION. Collateral. Integrated Communications.


Mr. Big is an internationally acclaimed hard rock band from Los Angeles, California who have churned out hits such as ‘To Be with You’, ‘Wild World’ and ‘Green-tinted Sixties Mind’ for over two decades. The group is best known for its varied musicianship, strong vocals and guitar-shredding harmonics. After disbanding in 2002, the members reunited in 2009 and embarked on a world reunion tour. The Indian leg of the tour included shows in Bangalore, Shillong and Kohima.


As the official marketing agency for the property, we were entrusted with creating a compelling 360 degree brand communications and sponsorship marketing strategy. We needed to create an impactful identity and advertising that could be easily adapted across media formats such as print and television. Additionally, we needed to sign on corporate sponsors to support and fund the event.

Mr. Big Brand Logo Design
Mr. Big Brand Identity Print Ad
Mr. Big Brand Expression


We created a definitive identity in block style pneumonic, in synergy with the band’s logo. Next we chalked out a 360 degree communications plan based upon which we created a multi-city campaign including designs for event tickets, posters, standees, tent cards, print and outdoor advertising. But perhaps, our most significant contribution was in the area of sponsorship marketing where we identified, negotiated and secured sponsorships worth a total of Rs. 75 lakhs in combined cash value from Kingfisher Airlines, Café Coffee Day and Nagaland Post.


With a turn-out of over 30,000 people, including a new generation of fans, across the three venues, the concert series was an unparalleled success for fans and sponsors alike. We consider the event to be a testament of good things that do not fade away with time.